Table 2.
Mean concentrations (Cmean) and peak concentrations (Cpeak) of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) of the measured baseline (BL), reference cigarette 3R4F (RC1, RC2), and the cigarette brands A (Marlboro Gold UAE), B (Marlboro Gold GER), C (Winston Red UAE), D (Winston Classic GER), E (Parliament Platinum UAE), F (Parliament Night Blue GER), G (Pall Mall Menthol Blast), H (Winston Menthol), and I (Elixyr Menthol).
Cmean NO (ppb) | Cmean NO (µg/m3) | Cpeak NO (ppb) | Cpeak NO (µg/m3) | Cmean NO2 (ppb) | Cmean NO2 (µg/m3) | Cpeak NO2 (ppb) | Cpeak NO2 (µg/m3) | Cmean NOx (ppb) | Cpeak NOx (ppb) | |
BL | 0.11 (0.15) | 0.1 | n/a | n/a | 5.08 (2.14) | 9.6 | n/a | n/a | 5.15 (2.21) | n/a |
RC1 | 226 (57) | 277 | 319 (64) | 391 | 155 (13) | 292 | 190 (28) | 357 | 386 (64) | 492 (66) |
RC2 | 209 (29) | 256 | 307 (48) | 377 | 152 (16) | 286 | 180 (21) | 339 | 368 (26) | 476 (35) |
A | 394 (36) | 483 | 563 (70) | 691 | 80 (7) | 150 | 94 (8) | 177 | 475 (30) | 648 (66) |
B | 300 (65) | 368 | 405 (79) | 497 | 105 (8) | 197 | 119 (7) | 224 | 403 (63) | 517 (76) |
C | 367 (70) | 450 | 532 (105) | 653 | 56 (15) | 105 | 67 (18) | 126 | 418 (81) | 586 (119) |
D | 132 (35) | 162 | 207 (51) | 254 | 116 (18) | 218 | 137 (23) | 258 | 247 (54) | 349 (90) |
E | 422 (35) | 518 | 584 (70) | 716 | 79 (4) | 149 | 91 (4) | 171 | 499 (37) | 661 (77) |
F | 227 (63) | 278 | 316 (80) | 388 | 125 (17) | 125 | 144 (20) | 271 | 349 (70) | 450 (82) |
G | 153 (42) | 188 | 245 (72) | 301 | 151 (24) | 284 | 175 (26) | 329 | 302 (44) | 402 (73) |
H | 188 (25) | 231 | 269 (46) | 330 | 139 (11) | 261 | 162 (11) | 305 | 324 (32) | 416 (45) |
I | 164 (30) | 201 | 232 (52) | 285 | 156 (21) | 293 | 184 (28) | 346 | 317 (40) | 397 (48) |
UAE United Arab Emirates, GER Germany. The given concentrations in the unit µg/m3 were calculated using the formula c (µg/m3) = 0.0409 × c (ppb) ×MW (g/mol) (at 1013.25 mbar and 25° C, c = concentration, ppb = parts per billion, MW = molecular weight, MW NO = 30.01 g/mol, MW NO2 = 46.01 g/mol). Standard deviations are stated in brackets. n/a = not available.