Figure 7.
Sex-specific increased expression of cyclin A (ccna1) promotes cell cycle progression and hyperproliferation of female (F) PAECPAH. A: The RNA sequencing of RNA isolated from female and male (M), PAECPAH, and lung tissue of EHITSN-KOITSN+/– mice shows log2 fold change in cyclin A1 and cyclin D2 levels. Human female and male PAECND-Ctrl and wild-type (wt) mice served as controls. The cyclin D2 expression does not show significant changes in EHITSN-KOITSN+/– mouse lung; false-discovery rate–adjusted P value. B: The murine and human cyclin A1 promoters, indicating the Elk1 binding motif (bold), conserved in mouse and human. Elk1 binds to sequences centered on the GGA trinucleotide motif (, last accessed January 19, 2020). C: Expression of cyclin A1 in synchronized male and female PAECND-Ctrl and PAECPAH. Cells were synchronized using 2 μg/mL aphidicolin (G1/S phase) and 0.1 μg/mL nocodazole (G2/M phase). The dotted vertical lines separate the ccna1 and actin immunoreactivities in the Input (In; not synchronized cells), S, and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. D: The histogram shows the ratio cyclin A1/actin, as determined by densitometry of three representative X-ray films, demonstrating the sex-specific increase in cyclin A1 expression in the S and G2/M phases of the synchronized PAECPAH. E and F: Real-time quantitative PCR of mRNA isolated from EHITSN-KOITSN+/– mice (E) and Sugen5416 inhibitor/hypoxia (Su/Hx) rats (F). The wt animals served as controls. Data are shown as means ± SD and are representative for 3 independent experiments performed in triplicate (D–F). n = 5 mice per experimental condition (E); n = 3 rats per experimental condition (F). ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗∗∗P < 0.0001. DU, densitometric units; Elk1, ETS domain containing protein; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; ND-Ctrl, nondisease controls; PAECPAH, pulmonary artery endothelial cells of pulmonary arterial hypertension patients.