Axon terminals from SC are present within the borders of contralateral RMTg. A, Reconstruction of injection sites of AAV2 containing gene for eYFP into the SC of all five rats. Darker color indicates the overlap of injections across rats. B, Top, Exemplary image of the brain of the rat showing eYFP-expressing axons descending from SC. The orange dashed line indicates the RMTg boundaries based on the anti-FoxP1 immunostaining. Middle, Example of images taken from the anterior RMTg part on both contralateral (left) and ipsilateral (right) side where SC-originating axons are visible. Bottom, Example of binarized axons within the RMTg. C, Quantification of binarized SC-originating axons in both contralateral and ipsilateral RMTg at different AP levels. ****p < 0.0001. ns, Nonsignificant.