Figure 1.
A 58-year-old woman with thoracic (D8-D9) tuberculosis (TB) and paraplegia of 4 months' duration. (a) X-ray antero-posterior view showing D8-D9 collapse. (b) X-ray lateral view showing D8-D9 collapse. (c) MRI (T2 sagittal view) showing the extent of the lesion with compression of the spinal cord. (d) MRI (T2 axial view) showing the extent of the lesion with abscess at D8-D9. (e) 2 weeks' postoperative x-ray antero-posterior view showing corpectomy and cage fusion with rib grafts in situ. (f) 2 weeks postoperative x-ray lateral view showing corpectomy and cage fusion with rib grafts in situ. (g) 3 years' postoperative x-ray antero-posterior view showing healed TB lesion with bony fusion. (h) 3 years' postoperative x-ray lateral view showing healed TB lesion with bony fusion.