Figure 1.
Higher GAS5 expression was associated with higher docetaxel sensitivity in cancer cell lines and CRPC patients. Lower imputed docetaxel sensitivity score indicates higher sensitivity in CRPC patients. (A) Scatter plot showing docetaxel response (AUC) (Y-axis) and GAS5 expression in 811 cancer cell lines in CTRPv2. (B) Scatter plot showing docetaxel response (AUC) (Y-axis) and GAS5 expression in 6 PCa cell lines. Name of the cell line was identified above the corresponding point. (C) Scatter plot showing imputed docetaxel sensitivity score (Y-axis) and measured GAS5 expression in 117 CRPC patients in SU2C clinical study. (D) Scatter plot showing imputed docetaxel sensitivity score (Y-axis) and measured GAS5 expression in 91 CRPC patients in PROMOTE trial.