Schematic representation showing the final classification of mosaicism detected at the time of chorionic villus sampling after follow-up confirmatory amniocentesis. CPM, Confined Placental Mosaicism; TFM, True Fetal Mosaicism. If the chromosome abnormality is only detected in the trophoblast and is not confirmed at the time of amniocentesis, it is classified as CPM I. If it is confirmed, it is referred to as TFM IV. Similarly, if the abnormality is only detected in the mesenchyme and is not confirmed at the time of amniocentesis, it is classified as CPM II. If it is confirmed, it is referred to as TFM V. If the abnormality is detected in both layers and not confirmed at the time of amniocentesis, it is classified as CPM III. If confirmed, it is referred to as TFM VI. Data derived from Malvestiti et al.43 and Benn et al.49