Extended Data Fig. 3 |. Characterization of the interaction between NTS-NTSR1 and Gi in cNDs by two-dimensional 1H, 15N-TROSY HSQC NMR spectroscopy.
a-b, NMR spectrum of 15N-labeled NTS-NTSR1 in cNDs in the (a) absence and (b) presence of Gi. c, Overlay of (a) (red) onto (b) (black) showing structural and dynamical changes of NTS-NTSR1 upon binding to Gi in cNDs. d, A region showing conformational stabilization of NTSR1. More peaks are observed in the presence of Gi, suggesting that NTSR1 is highly dynamic in the absence of Gi and resonances are averaged out among a wide range of conformers resulting in low signal-to-noise ratio and even disappeared peaks. Upon interaction with Gi, NTSR1 is stabilized into fewer conformers and becomes less dynamic, which leads to better signal-to-noise ratio and more resonances being observed. e, A region showing dynamically slow-exchange shift of NTSR1 upon interaction with Gi. f, A region showing chemical shift perturbation of NTSR1, suggesting conformational change of NTSR1 upon binding to Gi in cNDs.