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. 2021 May 21;12:612264. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.612264


Collection of sense of coherence (SoC) enhancing resources for sport psychology practitioners (SPPs) when coping with uncertainty.

SoC components Enhancement by following resources Example
Explicability Information and explanation Retrieving information from sources of high credibilitya Regular communication with others (e.g., team mates and coaches)
Structure Cognitive approaches Keeping the domestic environment well organized (hygiene, food, fresh air, etc.) supports an athletic lifestyle.a Domestic training might be boring: Brainstorming ideas to keep training at home interesting (e.g., watching TV shows and virtual challenges with team mates)a Regularly repeated psychoeducation to achieve a mental health literacy within the athlete’s support networkb
Structure Planning and goal setting Adapting the timetable, not the goalsc Setting time slots when to search for information to avoid being overwhelmed by information about the pandemica Keeping physical training constant during COVID-19 limitations; adaptation of training routines to limitations by training professionalsd Developing strategies to reduce too much calorie consumption during a lockdown/training limitationsd
Predictability Paradoxical intervention Juxtaposing best- and worst-case scenarios
Manageability Improving self-efficacy Developing strategies to incorporate authorities’ restrictions into training and daily lifea Teaching relaxation techniquesa,b
Self-reflection Exploration of what keeps athletes effective and disciplined in traininga Using self-reflection on strategies that helped you in the past to trigger a pleasant statea Keeping an athletic lifestyle! Relying on all routines, diets, etc., as they still are important and effective to stay healthy, fit, and ready for performancea Technique of circular questioning
Social networking for support and help Offering social support and informing when to ask and who to ask for helpa Connecting with the athlete’s support network to achieve help to manage upcoming challengesb,d Creating of a professional mental health support networkb Including family and friends in the social–emotional support networkb
Meaningfulness Satisfaction of needs and motives Investing time into the neglected but important things that support their goal achievementc
Impact on the athlete’s support network Trusting in and relating to your social network. You need them; they need you.a Sharing your successful coping strategies with others (in the athlete’s support network). Relating actively to thema Creating a safe environment (social and spatial) where it is accepted to declare mental challengesb Developing a mental health policyb Finding spokespersons for mental health in athletesb
Optimism and positivism Gratitude exercises and mindfulness-based exercises