A) NAc supported ChR2 place-based laser self-stimulation of CRF-containing neurons. NAc ChR2 rats (n=2 female, n=6 male) spent more time in Laser-delivering chamber than in No-laser chamber, more time in Laser-delivering chamber than NAc eYFP controls (n=5), and more than they previously spent in same chamber during no-laser baseline preference tests. B) CeA also supported place-based self-stimulation of CRF-containing neurons. CeA ChR2 rats (n=5 female, n=3 male) spent more time in Laser-delivering chamber than in no-laser chamber, more time in Laser-delivering chamber than CeA eYFP controls (n=5), and more than they previously spent in identical chamber during no-laser baseline tests. C) Conversely, BNST produced avoidance the Laser-delivering chamber. BNST ChR2 rats (n=5 female, n=5 male) spent less time in Laser-delivering chamber than eYFP controls (n=5), and less time than they spent in the same chamber during no-laser baseline tests. Also see Fig. S5 and Fig. S6E. Means and SEM reported. *p<0.05