A) Western blot analysis of protein levels in hematopoietic cells after
the first plating. GRB2 is shown as the loading control. n=2 B) Western blot
analysis of HIF1a hydroxylation and PHD2 after the first plating. Densitometry
is showed relative to WT. GRB2 is displayed as the loading control. n=2 C)
Colony forming units over 6 generations in wild type cells transduced with
MPLW515L, HIF1a WT, HIF1a PP/AA mutant and the various
combinations. The average plus/minus SEM are shown, n=2 D) Comparison of
mitochondrial ROS in cells at platings 1, 3 and 6. Representative flow and the
average plus/minus SEM are shown. E) (Left) Western blot analysis of protein
levels in MPLW515L/Stk11-null cells after treatment
with various small molecules known to target HIF1a stabilization. Actin is shown
as a loading control. (Right) Effect of small molecules on colony formation
capacity of MPLW515L/Stk11-null cells. The average
plus/minus SD are shown. P values by Dunnet’s multiple comparisons test
against DMSO control. F) Effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on the colony
re-plating phenotype. No significant differences were observed. The average
plus/minus SEM are shown, n=3