Overexpression USP53 inhibits the growth and proliferation of ccRCC. (A, B) Immunoblotting assays were analyzed to determine the protein expression of USP53 in control and USP53 overexpression cells (786‐O‐USP53‐OE/Caki‐1‐USP53‐OE) or control cells (Ctrl). (C, D) Cell proliferation is impaired by overexpression in 786‐O and Caki‐1 cells, as assessed by CCK‐8 assay at the indicated time points. (E, F) EDU cell proliferation assay demonstrates the inhibitory effect of USP53 overexpression on both 786‐O and Caki‐1 cells. Cell proliferation index of 786‐O and Caki‐1 USP53 expression and control were statistically analyzed (bottom). (G, H) BrdU cell proliferation assays reflect 786‐O and Caki‐1 cells that overexpress the USP53 gene proliferation ability was significantly inhibited at 48 h after inoculation after USP53 overexpression. Cell numbers were counted by Image pro plus software and are shown at right (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Data are shown as mean ± SEM)