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. 2020 Nov 16;16(5):856–864. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.297081

Table 6.

Literature review for usage of ADSCs in nerve regeneration studies

Study Subjects/animals Method of application/Type of stem cells/Studied nerve Results
Braga-Silva et al.(2008) Human Silicon tubes empty or filled with bone marrow mononuclear cells; Median and ulnar nerve reconstruction Enhanced motor, sensation, pain and function in the group treated with silicon tubes filled with bone marrow mononuclear cells
Di Summa et al.(2010) Rats Fibrin nerve conduits seeded with various cell types/primary Schwann cells and adult stem cells; ADSCs differentiated into a Schwann cell-like phenotype/repair of sciatic nerve injury Differentiated ADSCs enhanced regeneration in a similar manner to differentiated bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Liu et al. (2011) Rats Acellular nerve injected (by microinjector) with allogenic rat ADSCs/repair of sciatic nerve injury Better outcome in acellular nerves (10 mm) implanted with ADSCs
Li et al. (2013) Human After radial nerve neurolysis, nerve was enwrapped with the prepared nerve conduit of amniotic membrane enriched with human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell Enhanced motor and sensation function in the group with mesenchymal stem cells
Tabakow et al.(2014) Human Transplantation of bulbar olfactory ensheathing cells in microinjection with peripheral nerve grafts in spine reconstruction Recovery of motor and sensation function in human after spinal cord injury
Abbas et al.(2016) Rats Microinjections with rat ADSCs/sciatic nerve used for crossfacial nerve graft for facial nerve repair Enhanced recovery after cross-facial nerve grafting
Klein et al.(2016) Rats Collagen I type conduits pre-seeded with either Schwann cells or rat ADSCs differentiated into Schwann cells Demonstrated promising results for the outcome of nerve regeneration in nerve defects
Masgutov et al.(2016) Rats Intra-operative injection of xenotransplanted human ADSCs into the proximal and distal stumps/post-traumatic regeneration of rat sciatic nerve Human ADSCs promoted neuronal survival in the spinal ganglion, fuel axonal repair, and stimulate the regeneration of peripheral nerves
Shimizu et al.(2018) Rats Polyglycolic acid-collagen nerve conduits; rat ADSC and stromal vascular fraction/facial nerve ADSCs and the stromal vascular fraction promoted nerve regeneration

ADSC: Adipose-derived stem cells.