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. 2020 May 4;22(2):1767–1781. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbaa021

Table 14.

Key terms and definitions used in the paper

DNN Deep neural network KM plots Kaplan–Meier plots
CNN Convolutional neural network Cox PH Cox proportional hazard model
BA Biological age CA Chronological age
KD Klemera doubal method Inline graphic Inline graphic
LSTM Long short-term memory Inline graphic Inline graphic
RNN Recurrent neural network Inline graphic Inline graphic
ConvLSTM Convolutional LSTM Inline graphic Inline graphic
SBSI Surface-based body shape index Inline graphic BA age, gender-matched cohort
MAE mean absolute error AUC Area under the curve
Inline graphic Pearson correlation coefficient HR Hazard ratio