Figure 1 .
Model connectivity. A. The model consists of the thalamocortical loop that generates slow oscillation (SO), and the hippocampal circuit (consisting of CA1 and CA3 regions) that generates sharp wave-ripples (SWRs). The two components are connected via cortical input to CA3 and hippocampal output from CA1. B. Details of network connectivity. (1) Cortex->CA3: a small contiguous population of cortical excitatory cells targets a restricted part of CA3, which is highly responsive to incoming excitation. Both CA3 excitatory (blue dots) and inhibitory (red dots) cells were targeted. (2) CA3->CA1 (Schaffer collaterals): CA3 pyramidal cells broadly target CA1 excitatory and inhibitory neurons. (3) CA1->Cortex: Each small patch of CA1 cells projects to a small focal region in Cortex. (4) Cortex<->Thalamus: Cortical pyramidal neurons target both thalamic RE and TC cells, TC cells project back to both Pys and Ins of cortex. Cells in each region are linearly arrayed, with connectivity between regions generally being topographically organized, with the sole exception of the CA1-> Cortex where CA1 cells at the top of the array project to the cortical cells a the bottom, and vice-versa. C-E. Intra-area connectivities. Blue circles/arrows are excitatory cells/connections, and the red are inhibitory ones. The shaded area designates the target region of a projecting neuron. Connectivity of the thalamocortical circuity closely follows (Wei et al. 2018), and hippocampal connectivity is similar to the connectivity used in (Malerba and Bazhenov 2019).