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. 2021 Jun 6;21:1086. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11144-6

Table 1.

Independent and dependent variables definitions

Objective 1. Determine which telecommuting and individual factors associated with headache and neck pain occurrence in telecommuters.
Independent variables Definitions Time of data collection
Height Height (m) Baseline
Weight Weight (kg)
BMI BMI (kg/m2)
Age Age (years)
Gender M: F: O
HIT-6 Headache-related disability
NBQ Neck pain-related disability
Baseline headache frequency Number of headache episodes during the 7 days prior to enrollment
Baseline headache intensity Mean headache intensity during the 7 days prior to enrollment
Baseline neck pain frequency Number of headache episodes during the 7 days prior to enrollment
Baseline neck pain intensity Mean neck pain intensity during the 7 days prior to enrollment
Home workstation Presence of one designated place at home where the participant was telecommuting
Baseline headset wearing

Having wore a headset during the 7 days prior to enrollment

(yes or no question)

Headset type In-ear or over-ear headset
Follow-up headset wearing

Having wore a headset at least one time during the follow-up

(yes or no question)

Follow-up telecommuting hours Mean telecommuting hours based on daily survey
Follow-up headset wearing hours Mean headset wearing hours based on daily survey
Dependent variables Definitions
Follow-up headache occurrence

Having at least one headache episode during the follow-up

(yes or no question)

Follow-up neck pain occurrence

Having at least one neck pain episode during the follow-up

(yes or no question)

Objective 2. Evaluate the impact of wearing a headset on headache and neck pain intensity in telecommuters.
Independent variable Definition Time of data collection
Follow-up headset wearing

Having wore a headset at least one time during the follow-up

(yes or no question)

Dependent variables Definitions
Follow-up headache intensity Mean headache intensity based on the number of headache episodes during the follow-up Follow-up
Follow-up neck pain intensity Mean neck pain intensity based on the number of neck pain episodes during the follow-up

BMI = Body Mass Index, M = Male, F = female, O = other gender (not identifying as either male of female), HIT-6 = 6-Item Headache Impact Test, NBQ = Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire