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. 2021 May 6;2021(5):CD013623. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013623.pub2

Nixon 1998.

Study characteristics
Methods Study objective: to compare the postoperative pressure sore incidence in patients positioned on the standard operating table mattress with those positioned on the dry visco‐elastic polymer pad
Study design: randomised controlled trial
Study grouping: parallel group (sequential design)
Duration of follow‐up: 8 days
Number of arms: 2
Single centre or multi‐sites: multi‐sites
Study start date and end date: not described; recruited from November 1994 to June 1996
Setting: operating rooms of hospitals
Participants Baseline characteristics
Inclusion criteria: patients aged ≥ 55 years, admitted for elective major general, gynaecological or vascular surgery in supine or lithotomy position and free of preoperative pressure damage greater than grade 1
Exclusion criteria: liver, urology and breast surgery; pressure damage of Grade 1a or above observed preoperatively; ward staff provision of preoperative alternating pressure mattress; dark skin pigmentation which precludes reliable identification of Grade 0 and Grade 1a skin assessments; skin conditions over the sacrum, buttocks or heels which preclude reliable identification of Grade 0 and Grade 1a skin assessments
Sex (M:F): 119:101 in dry visco‐elastic polymer pad; 116:107 in standard operating theatre table mattress
Age (years): 124 participants between 55‐69 years and 98 participants 70+ years in dry visco‐elastic polymer pad group; 128 participants between 55‐69 years and 96 participants 70+ years in standard operating theatre table mattress group
Baseline skin status: categories of risk scores reported; free of pressure ulcers greater than grade 1
Group difference: no difference
Total number of participants: n = 446
Unit of analysis: individuals
Unit of randomisation (per patient): individuals
Interventions Intervention characteristics
Dry visco‐elastic polymer pad on operating table
  • Description of interventions: dry visco‐elastic polymer pad on operating table

  • NPIAP S3I classification: non‐powered, reactive gel surface

  • Co‐interventions: warming mattress provision for both groups

  • Number of participants randomised: n = 222

  • Number of participants analysed: n =

Standard operating theatre table mattress
  • Description of interventions: standard operating theatre table mattress plus Gamgee heel support

  • NPIAP S3I classification: standard hospital surface

  • Co‐interventions: warming mattress provision for both groups

  • Number of participants randomised: n = 224

  • Number of participants analysed: n =

Outcomes Proportion of participants developing a new pressure ulcer
  • Outcome type: binary

  • Time points: 8 days

  • Reporting: partially reported

  • Measurement method (e.g. scale, self‐reporting): defined by Torrance scale

  • Definition (including ulcer stage): pressure sore at any of the 5 skin sites most likely to incur skin damage (sacrum, left and right buttocks, and left and right heels)

  • Dro outs: 416 with complete data; 30 with incomplete data including 29 patients with lost forms and 27 having incomplete skin assessment records

  • Notes (e.g. other results reported): 22 of 205 in dry polymer group; 43 of 211 in standard mattress group

Time to pressure ulcer incidence
  • Reporting: not reported

Support‐surface‐associated patient comfort
  • Reporting: not reported

All reported adverse events using allocated support surfaces
  • Reporting: not reported

Health‐related quality of life (HRQOL)
  • Reporting: not reported

  • Reporting: not reported

Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "a telephone randomisation schedule was developed within random permuted blocks of 6, with a run‐in of 8"
Comment: low risk of bias because study likely used a proper randomisation method.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "a telephone randomisation schedule was developed, and managed by the Northern and Yorkshire Clinical Trials and Research Unit"
Comment: low risk of bias because study likely concealed allocation.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Comment: no information provided.
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Low risk Outcome group: pressure ulcer outcome
Quote: "All pre and intra‐operative data were recorded by the research nurse, and post‐operative data recorded by recovery and ward staff who were blind to the intraoperative mattress allocation. The record pertaining to the intra‐operative randomised mattress allocation remained separate from the main data collection proforma to maintain the blind"
Comment: unclear risk of bias because there is attempt to blind outcome assessment.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes Low risk Outcome group: pressure ulcer outcome
Comment: low risk of bias because although intention‐to‐treat (ITT) analyses claimed by authors, low proportions of missing data (17 of 222 vs 13 of 224) occurred in analysis.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Comment: the study protocol is not available but it is clear that the published reports include all expected outcomes, including those that were pre‐specified.
Other bias Low risk Comment: the study appears to be free of other sources of bias.