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. 2021 Jun 6;25:194. doi: 10.1186/s13054-021-03620-7

Table 2.

The outcome effect by the implementation of humidified high-flow nasal canula on transport (n = 3022)

Outcome Cohort Level change between 2010–2014 and 2015–2019a Difference in level changes between two cohortsb p
PICU length of stay, ratio (95% CI)c
Transported 0.69 (0.54–0.87) 0.64 (0.49–0.83) 0.001
Non-transport 1.07 (0.89–1.28)
Estimated PICU length of stay, absolute difference, hour (95% CI)d
Transported − 9.1 (− 14.8 to − 3.3) − 10.6 (− 16.9 to − 4.3)
Non-transport 1.5 (− 2.8 to 5.9)
IV + NIV hours, absolute difference, hour (95% CI)e
Transported − 17.0 (− 37.1 to 3.1) − 25.1 (− 47.9 to − 2.3) 0.03
Non-transport 8.1 (− 8.0 to 24.2)
IV hours, absolute difference, hour (95% CI)e
Transported − 11.5 (− 21.1 to − 1.9) − 22.4 (− 33.8 to − 10.9) < 0.001
Non-transport 10.9 (-2.0 to 19.7)

–, not applicable

PICU paediatric intensive care unit, CI confidence interval, IV invasive ventilation, NIV non-invasive ventilation

aLevel change between the pre-intervention era (2010–2014) and post-intervention era (2015–2019)

bThis is the main result of the study, presenting the outcome effect by the intervention by subtracting the outcome level changes between pre- and post-intervention era in non-transport children from the outcome level change in transported children

cThe ratio was estimated based on a linear regression model with the log-transformed outcome

dThe absolute difference of PICU length of stay between pre- and post-intervention era was predicted by the fitted linear regression model with the covariate adjustment

eThe absolute difference of the outcome was predicted based on a zero-inflated binomial regression as a substantial proportion of observed outcomes were zero