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. 2021 Mar 6;8(6):ofab104. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofab104

Table 2.

Comparison of Subjects for Whom CSF Testing Was Positive by Any Method

Subject CSF Culture HSV PCR EV PCR CSF Multiplex PCR CSF Other Test (Positive Result) CSF mNGS Total Sequencing Reads Number of Reads for Identified Organism
Concordant CSF mNGS and CSF Usual Care Results
1001 Haemophilus influenzae negative not done not done H influenzae 2.85E + 07 5.17E + 04
1003 no organisms positive not done HSV HSV 2.38E + 07 9.80E + 01
1007 Enterococcus faecalis not done not done not done E faecalis 2.63E + 07 2.05E + 04
1017 Streptococcus agalactiae not done not done S agalactiae S agalactiae 1.81E + 07 5.61E + 05
1019 no organisms not done positive not done Enterovirus 1.54E + 07 2.26E + 02
1020 no organisms negative positive Enterovirus Enterovirus 1.84E + 07 1.43E + 03
1023 no organisms negative positive not done Enterovirus 2.27E + 07 3.34E + 02
1025 no organisms not done positive Enterovirus Enterovirus 1.60E + 07 9.90E + 01
1026 no organisms negative positive Enterovirus Enterovirus 1.72E + 07 8.70E + 01
1027 no organisms negative positive not done Enterovirus 1.60E + 07 1.27E + 04
1028 no organisms not done positive not done Enterovirus 1.67E + 07 1.30E + 01
1030 Streptococcus pneumoniae negative not done S pneumoniae S pneumoniae 2.22E + 07 5.53E + 03
2001 S agalactiae not done not done not done S agalactiae 2.26E + 07 1.58E + 05
2005 S pneumoniae not done negative S pneumoniae S pneumoniae 3.17E + 07 5.73E + 05
2006 no organisms not done not done Enterovirus Enterovirus 2.41E + 07 1.98E + 03
3001 Neisseria meningitidis not done not done N meningitidis N meningitidis 2.11E + 07 3.71E + 02
3002 no organisms not done not done Enterovirus Enterovirus 1.48E + 07 3.40E + 01
3012 no organisms not done not done negative 16S PCR Streptococcus dysgalactiae S dysgalactiae 2.11E + 07 8.29E + 05
3013 S agalactiae not done not done negative S agalactiae 1.16E + 07 8.44E + 02
3015 S pneumoniae not done not done S pneumoniae S pneumoniae 1.34E + 07 1.19E + 05
False-Positive CSF mNGS Results
1009 no organisms not done not done not done Cryptococcus spp 2.25E + 07 5.54E + 02
2003 no organisms not done not done not done Staphylococcus warneri 3.06E + 07 1.17E + 03
2011 no organisms not done not done not done Mucor circinelloides 2.27E + 07 6.77E + 04
2022 no organisms not done not done negative Streptococcus bovis 2.20E + 07 1.41E + 02
False-Negative CSF mNGS Results
1016 Cryptococcus neoformans not done not done negative no pathogens detected 2.37E+07 -
2015 no organisms not done not done HHV-6 no pathogens detected 1.33E + 07 -
2016 Staphylococcus aureus not done not done HHV-6 no pathogens detected 1.83E + 07 -
3010 no organisms not done not done negative EBV (PCR) no pathogens detected 1.85E + 07 -
3014 Staphylococcus epidermidis not done not done Negative no pathogens detected 1.25E + 07 -

Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; EV, enterovirus; HHV-6, human herpes virus 6; HSV, herpes simplex virus; mNGS, metagenomic next-generation sequencing; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.