Cochlin knock-out mice have small but significant elevations in audiometric thresholds compared to wild-type mice. (A) ABR and (B) DPOAE thresholds are higher in Coch–/– compared to Coch+/+ mice. The ABR threshold difference reaches statistical significance at 45.25 kHz. DPOAE threshold difference reaches significance at 11.33, 22.65, and 45.25 kHz. Thresholds at 5.66 and 8 kHz >60 dB SPL. (C) Input/output functions of DPOAEs at 11.33 kHz, 22.65 kHz, and 45.25 kHz show a right shift and largely unaltered growth function in Coch–/– animals compared to Coch+/+. Data are shown as group means ± standard error of the mean; N = 10 Coch+/+ and N = 12 Coch–/– animals. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. LDP = DPOAE level, L2 = primary tone level.