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. 2021 May 24;12:689887. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.689887

Table 2.

Outcomes of standard treatments (STD, N=14, including fluid restriction and/or hypertonic saline), tolvaptan (TLV, N=14), and fluid restriction only (excluding hypertonic saline, N=11) in the management of post-operative hyponatremia.

STD (N=14) TLV (N=14) p-value (STD vs. TLV) Fluid restriction (N=11) p-value (Fluid restriction vs. TLV)
Timing of administration, p.o. days 6 (3 - 10) 7 (6 - 9) 0.24 7 (3 – 10) 0.42
Pre-treatment S-Na,
130 (125-134) 125 (112-131) 0.003 130 (128 - 134) <0.001
S-Na at 24-h,
129 (124-140) 137 (129-151) 0.02 129 (124 – 140) 0.02
24-h correction rate, mmolL-1/24h +1 (-5 to +8) +12.5 (+5 to +26) <0.001 -1 (-5 to +8) <0.001
Adj. 24-h correction rate,
+1.8 +12.0 <0.001 +0.8 <0.001
24-h overcorrection
(>10 mmolL-1/24h), N (%)
0 (0) 9 (64) <0.001 0 (0) 0.001
S-Na normalized at 24-h, N (%) 3 (21) 7 (50) 0.12 3 (27) 0.24
Hypernatremia at 24-h,
N (%)
0 (0) 1 (7) >0.99 0 (0) >0.99
S-Na at 48-h,
131 (122-140) 138 (132-144) 0.02 132 (122 – 140) 0.06
48-h correction rate,
+4.5 (-8 to +9) +15 (+7 to +20) <0.001 +2 (-8 to +9) <0.001
Adj. 48-h correction rate,
+4.5 +13.4 0.004 +3.9 0.01
48-h overcorrection
(>18 mmolL-1/48h), N (%)
0/8 (0) 2/14 (14) 0.52 0/6 (0) >0.99
S-Na normalized at 48-h, N (%) 2/8 (25) 12/14 (86) 0.008 2/6 (33) 0.04
Hypernatremia at 48-h,
N (%)
0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Side effects,
N (%)
0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Osmotic demyelination,
N (%)
0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

p.o., post-operative. Adj., correction rates adjusted by pre-treatment sodium levels. S-Na, serum sodium. 24-h, 24 hours after initiation of treatment. 48-h, 48 hours after initiation of treatment.

Median (and range, in brackets) is reported for quantitative variable; absolute frequency (and percentage, in brackets) is reported for categorical variables. P-values equal to or below 0.05 are reported in bold characters. Follow-up at 48 hours from treatment initiation was available in 8 patients of the STD group, as 6 were switched to TLV.