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. 2021 May 21;19:3110–3124. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2021.05.034

Table 1.

Tools for analysing antibiotic resistance from genomes and metagenomes.

Tool Tool type Database-link Access Approach Status Input description Requirements References
AMRFinderPlus Detection-database-based Reference Gene Catalog Web and standalone NA; EA; Assembly-based and read based tool Active Protein search, protein.fa and nucleotide HMMER, BLAST+, Linux, and Perl [78]
ResFinder Detection-database-based resfinder_db Web and standalone NA; EA; Assembly-based and read based tool Active Whole genome sequencing, isolate or annotated genome, preassembled partial, complete genomes, reads [79]
PointFinder Detection-database-based Pointfinder_db Web and standalone NA; EA; Assembly-based and read based tool Active Sequence file in FASTA BioEdit platform ( [80]
Antibiotic Resistance Gene-ANNOTation (ARG-ANNOT) Detection-database-based ARG-ANNOT Standalone NA; EA; Assembly-based and read based tool Active Analysing genomes, genomes assemblies, metagenomic contigs or proteomes Prodigal, DIAMON [81]
The Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) Detection-database-based CARD Web and standalone NA; EA; Assembly-based and read based tool Active Metagenomic R [82]
Online Analysis Pipeline for Anti-biotic Resistance Genes Detection (ARGs-OAP v2) Detection-database-based Web and standalone NA; EA; Assembly-based and read based tool Active Sequence reads, allele db, gene db python (v2.7.5) [83]
Short Read Sequence Typing for Bacterial Pathogens (SRST2) Detection-database-based Standalone NA; EA Read-based tool Active Metagenomic and db Unix server with ~2 GB of disk space for reference data 2X the input FASTQ file size in both RAM and disk space for temporary file storage :Perl , r, usearch, bwa, tophat incl., bam2fastx, samtools incl. bcftools and, ncbi blast, seqtk [84]
Search Engine for Antimicrobial Resistance (SEAR) Detection-database-based Web and standalone NA; EA Read-based tool Last update 2017 Sequence reads Linux [85]
Antimicrobial Resistance Identification By Assembly (ARIBA) Detection-database-based ARG-ANNOT, CARD, MEGAres and ResFinder Standalone NA; EA; Assembly-based and read based tool Active Sequence reads Linux [86]
SSTAR Detection-database-based SEED (annotator), AMR-related proteins that have been curated at ARDB and CARD Standalone NA; EA assembly-based and read based tool Active Two sequence files in FASTA format, one containing the bacterial genome assembly and the other the AR gene collection NS [73]
AdaBoost (PATRIC) Detection and classification Web ML; EA Read-based tool Active Whole genome sequencing reads NA [87]
PARGT Detection-database-based Standalone NA Active Protein sequences R and Python [88]
Resfams Databased and AMR protein predictor Resfams Web and standalone NA Last update 2018 NA None [89]
Antibiotic Resistance Genes Database (ARDB) Database ARDB Web and standalone NA Available NA None [90]
NCBI Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance Reference Gene Database (BARRGD) Database PRJNA313047 Web NA Active NA None
NCBI Pathogen Detection Database Pathogens Web NA Active NA None
National Database of Antibiotic Resistant Organisms (NDARO) Database NDARO Web NA Active NA None
Isolates Browser Database Insolates Browser Web NA Active NA None
RefSeq Database refseq Web NA Active NA None [91]
How to Request New Alleles for Beta-Lactamase, MCR, and Qnr Gene Database Home page Web NA Active NA None
Microbial Browser for Identification of Genetic and Genomic Elements (MicroBIG-E) Database microbigge Web NA Active NA None
HMDARG Database HMDARG Web Assembly-based tool and hierarchical classification Active Raw sequence encoding None [120]

NA: Not applicable EA: Exploratory approaches.