Figure 1.
In vitro models of HUVEC tubulogenesis. (A, B) Multiaxial vasculogenesis. (A) Cells (blue) are dispersed in a three-dimensional collagen gel (orange). (B) T-medium induces formation of tubes (T) with patent lumens (yellow) oriented randomly in all three axes. (C–E) Planar vasculogenesis. (C) Subconfluent monolayer of cells is grown on top of a collagen gel (orange) covered with medium (pink). (D) A second layer of collagen (asterisks) is gelled on top of the cells. (E) T-medium induces formation of tubes (T) in a single plane of depth (Z-axis). (F, G) Monolayer-sprout angiogenesis. (F) Confluent HUVEC monolayer on top of a collagen gel (orange). (G) T-medium induces the monolayer to produce sprouts (Sp) that enter the collagen. Sprout lumens are open to the culture medium (pink) at the “sprout throat” (asterisk). Abbreviations: HUVEC, human umbilical vein endothelial cell; T-medium, tubulogenesis medium.