Figure 3.
Observed number of events in risk deciles for case-control setting when models with p = 4 binary X were updated using one continuous marker Z following a mixture distribution of normals. P(X) = 0.2, α01 = 0, αX1 = (0.7, 0.7,−0.7,−0.7)′, α02 = 0.5, αX2 = (1, 1,-1,-1)′, P(Y) = 0.05, βX = (0.5, 0.5, −0.5, −0.5)′, βZ = 1,ncases = ncontrols = 250. Log-new=Logistic new, LR-j=LR-joint, LR-s=LR-separate, LR-i=LR-ind, LR-o=LR-offset, LR-sh=LR-shrink. See also Supplemental Table S9.