Decreased nesting behavior, selective increase of locomotor activity in a novel environment, and paradoxically increased open arm exploration in Nrgn KO mice (A) Nesting behavior. (B) Motor function. (C) Latency of the first fore or hind paw response in the hot plate test. (D) Locomotor activity in homecage. (E) Locomotor activity, vertical activity, time stayed in the central area, and number of stereotypic behaviors in the open field test. (F) Time spent in the light compartment, number of light‐dark transitions, and latency to enter the light compartment in the light‐dark transition test. (G) Percentage entries into open arms of the total number of entries to all arms and percentage of time on open arms of the total duration of the experiment in the elevated plus maze test. Data represent the mean ± SEM. ANOVA (in A, C, F, and G) or repeated measures ANOVA (in B, D, E) were used for the statistical analysis. g: genotype effect; s: sex effect; g × s: genotype and sex interaction; g × t: genotype and time interaction. For data where a significant sex effect was observed (body weight, body temperature; indexes in light/dark transition test, T‐maze test, and open field test), the male and female data are shown separately in the supplementary figures. Significant interactions between genotype and sex effects, which suggest the sex dependence of the expression of the genotype effect, were not detected in any of the tests (see supplementary table for the summary of all the results) [Colour figure can be viewed at]