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. 2021 Jun 4;41(6):BSR20210344. doi: 10.1042/BSR20210344

Table 4. List of MRM acquisition mode parameters for biomarker discovery.

No. Uniprot accession no. Protein name Peptide sequence Target ion Q1 (m/z) Q3 (m/z) RT (min) DP (V) CE (V)
1 P02763 α-1-acid glycoprotein 1 SDVVYTDWK 2b3 556.767 302.135 4.41 71.7 28.9
2y5 556.767 712.330 4.41 71.7 28.9
2y6 556.767 811.398 4.41 71.7 28.9
2 P01031 Complement C5 ATLLDIYK 2y2 468.774 310.176 7.25 65.3 25.7
2y4 468.774 538.287 7.25 65.3 25.7
2y6 468.774 764.455 7.25 65.3 25.7
3 P02750 Leucine-rich α-2-glycoprotein DLLLPQPDLR 2b2 590.340 229.118 8.99 74.2 30.1
2b3 590.340 342.202 9.00 74.2 30.1
2y6 590.340 725.394 9.00 74.2 30.1
4 P04004 Vitronectin FEDGVLDPDYPR 2b2 711.830 277.118 5.90 83.0 34.5
2y5 711.830 647.315 5.90 83.0 34.5
2y7 711.830 875.426 5.90 83.0 34.5
5 O14791 Apolipoprotein L1 VTEPISAESGEQVER 2y6 815.900 717.353 3.07 90.6 38.2
2y8 815.900 933.427 3.08 90.6 38.2
2y10 815.900 1091.496 3.08 90.6 38.2
6 P06396 Gelsolin AGALNSNDAFVLK 2b3 660.351 200.103 6.13 79.3 32.6
2y2 660.351 260.197 6.12 79.3 32.6
2y9 660.351 1007.516 6.13 79.3 32.6
7 P05452 Tetranectin LDTLAQEVALLK 2b3 657.387 330.166 10.10 79.0 32.5
2y7 657.387 800.488 10.10 79.0 32.5
2y8 657.387 871.525 10.10 79.0 32.5

The bold-faced target ion was used in final quantification. Abbreviations: CE, collision energy; DP, declustering potential; RT, retention time.