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. 2021 Jun 7;21:324. doi: 10.1186/s12909-021-02695-8

Table 5.

University programs’ statistical differences based on U Mann Whitney test item by item of MICA-2 vs MICA-4

University program
ITEMS Medical students Nursing students Psychology students Occupational Therapy students χ2 P value

*Original ítem MICA 2 [20]

**Differences MICA 2 and MICA-4

1. I just learn about psychiatry because it is in the exam and would not bother reading additional on it* 2.92 (1.328) 2.773 (1.326) 2.021 (1.265) 2.471 (1.206) (3) = 67.12 < 0.001
Aprendo sobre salud mental simplemente cuando tengo que hacerlo y ni me molestaría en leer material adicional sobre el tema.
** MICA-2 uses the word psychiatry and MICA-4 uses the word mental health
2. People with severe mental illness can never recover enough to have a good quality of life * 2.243 (1.018) 2.193 (1.057) 1.763 (0.826) 1.588 (0.638) (3) = 41.72 < 0.001
Las personas con un trastorno mental grave nunca podrán recuperarse lo suficiente como para tener una buena calidad de vida.
**No differences between MICA 2 and MICA-4
3. Psychiatry is just as scientific as other fields of medicine* 2.206 (1.351) 1.255 (0.826) 1.155 (0.781) 1.216 (0.756) (3) = 222.28 < 0.001
Trabajar en el campo de la salud mental es tan respetable como trabajar en otros campos de salud y cuidado social.
** In MICA-4 psychiatry and medicine are substituted by the words: mental health field and health’ field
4. If I had a mental illness, I would never admit this to my colleagues for fear of being treated differently* 2.722 (1.205) 2.84 (1.233) 2.423 (1.049) 2.255 (1.129) (3) = 15.04 0.0017
Si tuviera un trastorno mental, no lo admitiría nunca frente a ninguno de mis amigos porque temería ser tratado de manera diferente.
**MICA-2 and MICA-4 are the same
5. People with mental illness are dangerous more often than not* 2.845 (1.043) 2.969 (1.131) 2.01 (0.994) 2.388 (0.975) (3) = 74.13 < 0.001
Las personas con un trastorno mental grave son a menudo peligrosas.
** MICA-2 and MICA-4 are the same
6. Psychiatrists know more about the lives of people they treat with mental illness, compared to their careers (family members or friends of people with mental illness)* 3.418 (1.235) 3.445 (1.304) 2.959 (1.33) 2.686 (1.225) (3) = 24.15 < 0.001
Los profesionales sanitarios y de servicios sociales saben más sobre la vida de las personas tratadas por un trastorno mental que los propios miembros de la familia o amigos.
**MICA 4 uses Health Professionals instead of psychiatrists
7. If I had a mental illness, I would never admit this to my colleagues for fear of being treated differently * 3.534 (1.226) 3.393 (1.192) 3.073 (1.242) 2.569 (1.237) (3) = 32.74 < 0.001
Si tuviera un trastorno mental, no lo admitiría nunca frente a mis compañeros de trabajo por temor a ser tratado de manera diferente.
**Not differences between MICA-2 and MICA-4
8. Being a psychiatrist is not like being a real doctor* 1.667 (0.957) 1.864 (1.178) 1.833 (1.167) 1.843 (1.027) (3) = 4.66 0.198
Ser un profesional sanitario o social en el área de salud mental no es como ser un profesional sanitario o social real.
**MICA 4 uses “health professional” instead of psychiatrist and doctor
9. If a consultant psychiatrist instructed me to treat people with mental illness in a derogatory manner, I would not follow the consultant’s instructions* 1.573 (1.12) 1.662 (1.371) 1.423 (1.039) 1.588 (1.344) (3) = 4.51 0.211
Si un compañero de trabajo con mucha experiencia me dijera que tratase a las personas con un trastorno mental de manera irrespetuosa, no seguiría sus instrucciones.
**Consultant psychiatrist is substituted by “work colleague with experience” in the version MICA-4
10. I feel as comfortable talking to a person with mental illness as I do talking to a person with physical illness* 3.28 (1.213) 2.941 (1.193) 2.458 (1.256) 2.333 (1.125) (3) = 58.73 < 0.001
Me siento tan cómodo hablando con una persona con un trastorno mental como con una persona con enfermedad física.
**MICA 2 and MICA-4’item 10 is the same
11. It is important that any doctor supporting a person with mental illness assess the physical health of the person with mental illness* 1.692 (0.931) 1.978 (1.04) 2.062 (1.029) 1.784 (0.610) (3) = 30.69 < 0.001
Es importante que cualquier profesional que trabaja en salud atendiendo a una persona con un trastorno mental se asegure de que su salud física está siendo evaluada.
** MICA 2 and MICA-4’item 11 is the same
12. The public does not need to be protected from people with mental illness* 3.661 (1.255) 3.409 (1.388) 2.722 (1.344) 2.667 (1.143) (3) = 52.17 < 0.001
La población no necesita ser protegida de personas con un trastorno mental grave.
**Not differences between MICA-2 and MICA-4
13. If a person with a mental illness complained of physical symptoms such as chest pain, it is usually part of their mental illness* 2.223 (1.016) 2.209 (0.901) 2.361 (1.072) 2.078 (1.017) (3) = 2.12 0.548
Si una persona con enfermedad mental refiere síntomas físicos (como dolor de pecho), lo primero que pensaría es que están relacionados con su trastorno mental.
**Not differences between MICA-2 and MICA-4
14. General practitioners should not be expected to complete a thorough assessment for people with psychiatric symptoms because they can be referred to a psychiatrist* 2.305 (1.092) 2.592 (1.275) 2.865 (1.448) 2.571 (1.458) (3) = 18.56 < 0.001
No debe esperarse que los médicos generales realicen una evaluación exhaustiva de las personas con síntomas psiquiátricos porque éstas pueden ser derivadas a un psiquiatra.
**Not differences
15. I would use the term “crazy”, “nutter”, “mad”, etc., to describe people with mental illness that I have seen on the ward, to colleagues* 1.98 (1.125) 1.752 (1.018) 1.546 (0.750) 1.51 (0.880) (3) = 23.57 < 0.001
Si tuviera que describir a mis compañeros, a las personas con un trastorno mental que he atendido en mi trabajo, usaría los términos: “loco”, “chiflado”, “chalado”, etc.
**Not differences
16. If my colleague told me they had a mental illness, I would still want to work with them* 1.865 1.804 (0.865) 1.753 (0.93) 1.451 (0.642) (3) = 17.89 < 0.001
Si un compañero/a de trabajo me dijera que tiene un trastorno mental, seguiría queriendo trabajar con él/ella.
**Not differences