Table 2.
Bibliographic information of the articles included in the study.
Author name | Article title | Year | Journal | Impact factor | Quartile | Affiliation | Index location |
Dennerlein JT, Burke L, Sabbath EL, Williams JA, Peters SE, Wallace L, et al. [12] | An Integrative Total Worker Health Framework for Keeping Workers Safe and Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic | 2020 | Human Factors | 3.165 | Q1 | USA | ISI, Scopus, PubMed |
Chanana N [14] | Employee engagement practices during COVID-19 lockdown | 2020 | Journal of Public Affairs | - | Q2 | India | ISI (ESCI), Scopus |
Cooke FL, Schuler R, Varma A [25] | Human resource management research and practice in Asia: Past, present and future | 2020 | Human Resource Management Review | 4.922 | Q1 | Australia, Switzerland, USA | ISI, Scopus |
Cooke FL, Dickmann M, Parry E [26] | IJHRM after 30 years: taking stock in times of COVID-19 and looking towards the future of HR research | 2020 | The International Journal of Human Resource Management | 3.040 | Q1 | Australia, UK | ISI, Scopus |
Caligiuri P, De Cieri H, Minbaeva D, Verbeke A, Zimmermann A [27] | International HRM insights for navigating the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for future research and practice | 2020 | Journal of International Business Studies | 7.724 | Q1 | USA, Australia, Denmark, Canada, UK | ISI, Scopus |
Wu L-K, Su W-H, Hsiao S-H, Hou M-F [28] | Preparedness for the next emerging infectious disease outbreak by implementing strategic human resource management | 2020 | Journal of the Chinese Medical Association | 2.170 | Q1 | Taiwan | ISI, Scopus, PubMed, Embase, DOAJ |
Nangia M, Mohsin F [29] | Revisiting Talent Management Practices in A Pandemic Driven Vuca Environment–A Qualitative Investigation in The Indian It Industry | 2020 | Journal of Critical Reviews | - | Q4 | India | Scopus |
Gómez SM, Mendoza OEO, Ramírez J, Olivas-Luján MR [1] | Stress and myths related to the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on remote work | 2020 | Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management | - | - | Mexico, Denmark, USA | Emerging Sources Citation Index; ProQuest |
ROGGEVEEN S, CHEN S-W, RIVER HARMONY C, MA Z, Qiao P [16] | The Adaption of Post COVID-19 in IHRM to Mitigate Changes in Employee Welfare Affecting Cross-Cultural Employment | 2020 | IETI Transactions on Economics and Management | - | - | Australia, China | - |
Meyer KE [30] | Thinking Strategically During the Global Pan (dem)ic | 2020 | - | - | - | - | - |
Lim V [31] | War with SARS: an empirical study of knowledge of SARS transmission and effects of SARS on work and the organizations | 2003 | Singapore medical journal | 1.359 | Q1 | Singapore | ISI, Scopus, PubMed, Embase, |
De Leon V [15] | Human Resource Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic | 2020 | Doctoral dissertation | - | - | California State University, Northridge | - |
Manjula DP [32] | Human Resource Coping Strategies in „New Normal‟ and their Impact on Work Places: Systematic Review | 2021 | Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government | ISI (ESCI) | |||
Butterick M, Charlwood A [33] | HRM and the COVID-19 pandemic: How can we stop making a bad situation worse? | 2021 | Human Resource Management Journal | 3.816 | Q1 | American | ISI, Scopus |
Agarwal P [34] | Shattered but smiling: Human resource management and the wellbeing of hotel employees during COVID-19 | 2021 | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 6.701 | Q1 | United Kingdom | ISI, Scopus |