Staff safety
Unemployment and underemployment
Working from home and limited work solutions as a result of workflow disruption
Reduced employees' motivation
Reduced salary
Reduced customers and sales
Additional cost for hiring new employees
Disruption in the work of organizations due to the infection of employees with COVID-19
Weakening of morale, reduced ability and concentration, and creation of stress in other employees due to the illness of a colleague
Disruption of workflow due to the death of a colleague
Staff absence and transfer
Modifying internal laws, policies, and procedures in accordance with customer requirements
Additional manpower and the need to train people to acquire new skills
Complexity in work due to the integration of technology and digitalization
Increased workload
IT challenges following total and partial home office and adapting to them
Customer needs and the inability of organizations to deliver on-site services
Spreading rumors in the organization and managing fear in the organization
Different attitudes towards access to health records and disclosure of the identity of affected employees [1, 4, 16, 31]
Injustice in the increase of unemployed people and lack of income against people who work at home and receive a normal salary [33, 34]
Low job independence and job insecurity [33, 34]
Increasing employees' working hours due to the dismissal of their colleagues [34]