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. 2018 Apr 23;88(5):538–544. doi: 10.2319/102317-714.1

Table 1.

Definition of Cephalometric Measurements Used in This Studya

Sagittal parameters
 SNA, ° Sella-nasion-A point angle
 SNB, ° Sella-nasion-B point angle
 ANB, ° A point-nasion-B point angle
 VRP-Pog, mm Perpendicular distance of pogonion to the vertical reference plane (VRP)
 OJ, mm Overjet, parallel distance between the incisal edges of U1 and L1 to the horizontal reference plane (HRP)
Vertical parameters
 SN-GoMe, ° Mandibular plane angle, the angle between sella-nasion line and gonion-menton line
 AFH, mm Anterior facial height, linear distance between nasion and menton
 OB, mm Overbite, parallel distance between the incisal edges of U1 and L1 to the VRP
Tooth movement
 U6-PP, mm Perpendicular distance of the mesial cusptip of U6 to the palatal plane (PP)
 U1-PP, mmb Perpendicular distance of U1 incisal edge to the PP
 L6-MP, mm Perpendicular distance of the mesial cusptip of L6 to the mandibular plane (MP)
 L1-MP, mmb Perpendicular distance of L1 incisal edge to the MP

U1 and L1 indicate the maxillary and mandibular central incisor, respectively; U6 and L6, the maxillary and mandibular first molar, respectively.


The most anterior tooth was used for the measurement.