Findings from liver tissues obtained by liver needle biopsy and pancreatic tissues obtained by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy (EUS-FNB). Liver needle biopsy: (A) hepatic irAE with small-duct cholangitis, mild panlobular hepatitis and steatohepatitis; (B) small duct sclerosing cholangitis; (C, D) immunostaining for CD8 (C) and CD4 (D) in hepatic irAEs showing periductal fibrosis and infiltration of CD8+intraepithelial T-lymphocytes. EUS-FNB: (E, F) infiltration of lymphocytes and sparse eosinophils; (G, H) immunostaining for CD8+ (G) and CD4+ (H) lymphocytes, showing that the infiltrating lymphocytes were predominantly CD8+T-lymphocytes.