Table 5.
Accession numbers of COI sequences used in the molecular analysis of diclidophorid monogeneans. *, new sequences.
Parasite species | Host species | Origin | GenBank | Source |
Cyclocotyla bellones | Ceratothoa parallela from Boops boops (Cymothoidae/ Sparidae) | Mediterranean Sea (Algeria) | MZ127220* | Present study |
Cyclocotyla bellones | Ceratothoa parallela from Boops boops | Mediterranean Sea (Algeria) | MZ127224* | Present study |
Cyclocotyla bellones | Ceratothoa parallela from Boops boops | Mediterranean Sea (Algeria) | MZ127218* | Present study |
Choricotyle cf. chrysophryi | Pagellus acarne (Sparidae) | Mediterranean Sea (Algeria) | MZ127216* | Present study |
Choricotyle cf. chrysophryi | Pagellus acarne (Sparidae) | Mediterranean Sea (Algeria) | MZ127222* | Present study |
Choricotyle anisotremi | Anisotremus scapularis (Haemulidae) | Pacific Ocean (Chile) | KJ794206 | [60] |
Choricotyle anisotremi | Anisotremus scapularis | Pacific Ocean (Chile) | KJ794207 | [60] |
Neoheterobothrium affine | Paralichthys dentatus (Paralichthyidae) | Atlantic Ocean (USA) | AB478782 | [75] |
Neoheterobothrium hirame | Paralichthys olivaceus (Paralichthyidae) | Pacific Ocean (Japan) | AB162615 | [75] |
Parapedocotyle prolatili | Prolatilus jugularis (Pinguipedidae) | Pacific Ocean (Chile) | KJ794219 | [60] |
Parapedocotyle prolatili | Prolatilus jugularis | Pacific Ocean (Chile) | KJ794218 | [60] |
Pedocotyle bravoi | Stellifer minor (Sciaenidae) | Pacific Ocean (Chile) | KJ794210 | [60] |
Pedocotyle bravoi | Stellifer minor | Pacific Ocean (Chile) | KJ794210 | [60] |
Plectanocotyle gurnardi | Chelidonichthys lastoviza (Triglidae) | Mediterranean Sea (Algeria) | MK275654 | Ayadi et al. (unpublished) |