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. 2021 Jun 7;16(6):e0252512. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252512

Table 4. Final random effects generalized least squares linear regression model of direct abortion reporting on within respondent difference in list experiment treatment and control list response latencies within interviewers1.

β 95% CI
Direct abortion question response (reference no)
 Yes 5.11** 0.21,10.00
Age (reference 15–19)
 20–29 -1.31 -3.32,0.71
 30–39 -2.03 -4.72,0.67
 40–49 -3.89** -7.04,-0.75
Marital status (reference currently married/cohabiting)
 Divorced/widowed 0.87 -2.91,4.65
 Never married -0.61 -3.44,2.21
Schooling (reference never attended)
 Primary school -0.93 -2.26,1.33
 Secondary school -0.54 -2.96,1.89
 Higher education 0.33 -2.10,2.76
Wealth quintile (reference poorest)
 Middle poorest 0.69 -1.39,2.77
 Middle 0.5 -1.68,2.67
 Middle wealthiest 1.8 -0.70,4.30
 Wealthiest 1.39 -1.58,4.35
Caste (reference scheduled caste)
 Scheduled tribe -2.46** -4.70,-0.22
 Other backward caste -2.03 -4.55,0.49
 Generate caste 0.00 -2.90,2.91
Religion (reference Hindu)
 Muslim -1.01 -3.67,1.65
 Other religion -1.53 -6.19,3.14
Parity (reference 0)
 1–2 0.22 -1.99,2.43
 3–4 1.11 -1.47,3.70
 5+ 3.19* -0.19,6.58
Interviewer acquainted (reference no)
 Yes -0.25 -2.00,1.51
Interviewer age (reference 15–19)
 20–29 -2.99** -5.84,-0.15
 30–39 -1.75 -5.48,1.98
 40–49 -1.94 -9.91,6.04
Interviewer education (reference secondary or technical)
 University -1.67 -3.75,0.40
 Masters or doctoral 1.23 -0.96,3.42
Interviewer ever married (reference no)
 Yes 0.86 -1.87,3.60
Interviewer parity (reference 0)
 1–2 0.71 -1.61,3.02
 3–4 3.06 -1.08,7.20
Interviewer thinks abortion illegal (reference no)
 Yes 0.11 -1.64,1.86
Constant -1.84 -4.59,0.92
Rho 0.03
AIC 47582.22
N 5,298

1Model applies survey weights that account for the complex sampling design and non-response, representing the inverse probability of selection. Used Taylor linearization method to calculate robust standard errors that account for clustering among respondents in the same EA.

* denotes p<0.10,

** denotes p<0.05, and *** denotes p<0.01.