Table 1. Participant/infection characteristics in high and low immunity groups#.
Characteristics | High Immunity (n = 28) | Low Immunity (n = 33) | P-value |
Median age in years | 13.2 (8.4–27.0)^ | 7.3 (5.0–9.2) | 0.0002+ |
Male % | 36 | 52 | 0.33* |
Median parasites/μL | 4710 (550–160600) | 48200 (26660–171200) | 7.74x10-06+ |
Median % genome coverage 20x | 88.7 (72.8–91.3) | 90.1 (79.4–92.0) | 0.27+ |
Median depth of coverage | 130x (107–170) | 156x (112–183] | 0.25+ |
#High complexity infections lacking a predominant parasite clone were excluded
^Interquartile range shown in parentheses
*P-value determined using z-score test for difference in proportions
+P-value determined using Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test