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. 2021 May 7;25(12):5628–5639. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.16575


The baseline characteristics of all involved studies in the current meta‐analysis

First Author Year Country Ethnicity Disease Matched Control status Diagnosis Study design Age (yrs) in cases Age (yrs) in controls
Fathy, SA (T2DM w/t DKD) 2019 Kuwait Caucasian T2DM without DKD NA Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Retrospective 58.5 53.8
Fathy, SA (T2DM w/o DKD) 2019 Kuwait Caucasian T2DM with DKD NA Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Retrospective 61.0 53.8
Lara‐Gómez, RE 2019 Mexico Mixed T2DM NA Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Cross‐sectional 59.1 36.2
Saxena, M. 2018 India Indian T2DM NA Healthy NA Prospective
Plataki, MN 2018 Greece Caucasian T2DM NA Controls (Normal Glucose) ADA Retrospective 68.3 74.9
Hameed, I. (T2DM w/t DKD) 2018 India Indian T2DM without DKD NA Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Prospective 54.1
Hameed, I. (T2DM w/o DKD) 2018 India Indian T2DM with DKD NA Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Prospective 57.9
Rodrigues, KF 2017 Brasil Mixed T2DM YES Healthy ADA Cross‐sectional 56.0 53.0
Ponnana, M. 2017 India Indian T2DM YES Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Prospective 33.3 30.2
Neelofar, K. (T2DM w/t DKD) 2017 India Indian T2DM without DKD YES Hospital, Healthy ADA Prospective 52.8 50.1
Neelofar, K. (T2DM w/o DKD) 2017 India Indian T2DM with DKD YES Hospital, Healthy ADA Prospective 51.3 50.1
Kavitha, L. 2017 India Mixed T2DM YES Hospital, Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Retrospective
Ghavimi, R. 2016 Iran Middle Eastern T2DM YES Healthy, Transfusion Organization Doctor's diagnosis Retrospective 51.3 50.2
Eze, I. C. 2016 Switzerland Caucasian DM YES Healthy ADA Cross‐sectional
Buraczynska, M. (T2DM w/t CVD) 2016 Poland Caucasian T2DM without CVD NA Volunteers, Healthy ADA Retrospective 54.3
Buraczynska, M. (T2DM w/o CVD) 2016 Poland Caucasian T2DM with CVD NA Volunteers, Healthy ADA Retrospective 65.8
Saxena, M. 2014 India Mixed T2DM YES Healthy, Stuff Members Doctor's diagnosis Retrospective 49.2 47.8
Karadeniz, M. (T2DM w/t DKD) 2014 Turkey Middle Eastern T2DM without DKD NA Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Retrospective 52.2 54.2
Karadeniz, M. (T2DM w/o DKD) 2014 Turkey Middle Eastern T2DM with DKD NA Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Retrospective 58.3 54.2
Zhang, X. 2011 China Chinese T2DM YES Healthy WHO 1999 criteria Retrospective 57.4 56.8
Bouhaha, R. 2010 Tunisia Middle Eastern T2DM NO Healthy ADA Retrospective 60.6 43.8
Xiao, L. M. 2009 China Chinese T2DM YES Healthy, Community WHO 1999 criteria Retrospective 59.7 51.6
Danielsson, P. 2005 Sweden Caucasian T2DM YES Healthy NA Retrospective 74.0 75.0
Tsiavou, A. 2004 Greece Caucasian T2DM NO Healthy Doctor's diagnosis Retrospective 51.0 44.0
Vozarova, B. 2003 Spain Caucasian T2DM NA NA NA Retrospective 58.6 56.7
Vozarova, B. 2003 USA Caucasian T2DM NA NA NA Retrospective 29.2 63.9
Males (%) BMI (kg/m2) HbA1c (%) FPG (mg/dL) PGG (mg/dL) TG (mmol/L) TC (mmol/L) HDL (mmol/L) LDL (mmol/L)
Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls
0.640 0.571 34.1 29.4 1.4 1.1 4.2 4.9 1.3 1.5 2.3 3.0
0.343 0.571 34.5 29.4 1.8 1.1 3.9 4.9 1.1 1.5 2.0 3.0
0.300 0.530
0.368 0.456 7.8
26.88 7.59 143.06 199.71 2.39 4.88 1.12 2.69
26.55 8.52 154.31 215.16 2.22 4.46 0.97 2.40
0.186 0.194 8.9 126.5 85.3 203
0.600 0.670 20.8 24.9
0.600 0.600 25.88 23.16 7.04 5.89 183.64 122.94
0.600 0.600 24.3 23.16 9.8 5.89 212.76 122.94
0.425 0.442 28.5 27.3
0.460 28.1 7.7 2.10 4.70 1.5
0.509 26.8 7.9 1.70 4.90 1.2
0.600 0.662 24.05 23.33 173.81 83.87 272.75 139.65 1.27 1.42 5.74 4.77 1.17 1.25 3.96 1.66
6.68 5.13 140.53 85.77 193.9 121.3 1.89 1.53 5.36 4.45 1.24 1.37 3.51 2.81
8.02 5.13 154.77 85.77 218.5 121.3 2.27 1.53 5.35 4.45 1.22 1.37 3.39 2.81
0.576 0.571 24.5 22.4 8.74.7 153 82.8 244.8 102.6 2.69 1.59 4.69 4.86 1.04 1.16 2.51 2.48
0.367 0.715 29.29 27.43 174.42 96.66 167.76 1.73 4.81 1.25
0.273 0.311 24.22 22.76
1.000 0.600 6.75 4.65 1.22 0.95 1.2 1.46 2.9 3.35
0.250 0.615
0.412 0.449
0.315 0.476

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DKD, diabetic kidney disease; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; HbA1c, haemoglobin A1c; HDL, high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL, low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol. Vacant panes denote the unavailability of data; PPG, postprandial glucose; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; w/o, without; w/t, with.