a Schematic overview of the SILAC quantitative proteomics approach used with paired lung cancer tissues and their adjacent normal lung tissues. b Representative immunoblot for TRIM28 and β-actin expression in 104 paired lung cancer tissues and their adjacent normal lung tissues. N, normal tissue; T, tumor. c Quantification of TRIM28 protein expression using immunoblotting analysis in 104 paired lung cancer tissues and their adjacent normal lung tissues. β-actin protein was used as an internal control. The error bar displays the SD value determined with a two-sided Student’s t test; ***P < 0.001. d Immunohistochemical analysis of tumor and normal lung tissues using antibodies against TRIM28 and Ki67. Scale bar, 50 μm. e Graph of TRIM28 protein expression determined by immunoblot analysis in 104 paired lung cancer tissues. β-actin protein was used as an internal control. f TRIM28 expression levels and clinical characteristics in the 104 lung cancer study cases. The P values represent probabilities for TRIM28 expression levels between variable subgroups determined using a two-sided Fischer’s exact-test (tumor node metastasis). g Expression levels of the TRIM28 gene in healthy individuals (normal, n = 640) and patients with lung cancer (tumor, n = 495) from the TCGA LUSC database. The box plot represents the average expression of TRIM28 (mean ± SD). The horizontal line indicates the median value.