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. 2021 May 25;15:645048. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.645048

Table 2.

Prominent BrainMap20 intrinsic connectivity networks that are spatially correlated to activation maps in the neurofeedback subcomponents in the three conditions.

Neurofeedback subcomponent
Parallel (strategy+ feedback) Serial: strategy execution Serial: feedback processing BM20 atlas areas Function (Laird et al., 2011), selected by relevance to NF task
BM2 sgACC and OFC Emotion and a strong preference for a reward task.
BM 3 * Bilateral BG and thalamus Mostly strong preference for a reward task.
BM 4 BM 4 Bilateral AI and fO Transitional network linking cognition and emotion or interoception.
BM 6 SFG and MFG including premotor and SMC Action imagination, learning and recall of complex sequences.
BM 7 MFG and SPL Visual processing, counting, and calculation.
BM 10 MTG and ITG Viewing complex stimuli and mental rotation.
BM 12 BM 12 Medial POC Simple visual stimuli.
BM 13 BM 13 MPFC, PCC, and precuneus DMN, imagine scenes, and episodic memory.
BM 15 R-FPCN Reasoning, attention, and memory.
BM 16 Transverse temporal gyri Audition, music, and speech.
BM 17 Dorsal precentral gyri, central sulci, and postcentral gyri Sensorimotor cortices for mouth region, associated with speech, reading, and swallowing.
BM 18 BM 18 BM 18 L-FPCN Working memory and explicit memory tasks.
BM 20 Artefactual Artefact from pre-processing.

BM, brain map; BG, basal ganglia; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; AI, anterior insula; fO, frontal operculum; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus; L-FPCN, left-lateralized frontoparietal network; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; MPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; NF, neurofeedback; sgACC, subgenual ACC; SMC, somatomotor cortex; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; POC, posterior occipital cortex; PreCu, precuneus; R-FPCN, right-lateralized frontoparietal networks; SFG, superior frontal gyrus; SPL, superior parietal lobule. *Only the thalamus is seen in BM3 of the feedback processing task.