Sankey plot showing the classifier predictions of samples with a subtype not represented in the current version (v12) of the ‘DKFZ sarcoma Classifier’. (A) Case 826, (i) Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) demonstrating high‐grade spindle cell areas of a malignant GCTB with (ii) focal loss of H3F3A G34W expression on immunohistochemistry. (B) Case 120, H&E showing typical bony trabeculae within a low‐grade parosteal OS. (C) Case 828, H&E showing a spindle cell lesion with scattered squamous islands characteristic of an adamantinoma. (D) Case 311, (i) H&E of high‐grade spindle cell lesion in a patient with a background of breast carcinoma; (ii) the lesion showed widespread CAM5.2 immunopositivity and was subsequently diagnosed as a metastatic focus. FDY, fibrous dysplasia; HG, high grade; IMT, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour; MIFS, myxoinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma; NFB(Plex), plexiform neurofibroma; PEComa, perivascular epithelioid cell tumour; PHAT, pleomorphic hyalinising angiectatic tumour; WDLS_DDLS, well‐differentiated liposarcoma/dedifferentiated liposarcoma.