PIWI-1 immunostaining in X2-MTG subpopulations
(A) Dot plot representing the gating strategy for various MTG populations. HFSC - High Forward Scatter, LFSC – Low Forward Scatter.
(B) Quantitative flow cytometry analysis of PIWI-1 staining in indicated FACS sorted X2 MTG population. Mean ± SEM, over three independent replicates.
(C) Representative confocal images of PIWI-1 staining in indicated X2 MTG populations. PIWI-1 staining is represented in Fire LUT (ImageJ) and the pixel value and the corresponding color code are given in the graph (top right). Arrowheads indicate PIWI-1 high (green), low (yellow), and negative (red) cells. Scale bar, 30 μm.
See also Figure S1.