Transcriptome analysis of X2-MTGLow and MTGHigh cells
(A) Volcano plot showing the differentially expressed transcripts. Major stem cell genes >2-fold upregulated in MTG Low are marked in the plot.
(B) Heatmap showing expression of key stem cell-related genes in X2-MTGLow and MTGHigh. R1 and R2 represent biological replicates.
(C) Principal component analysis (PCA) showing indicated MTG population with respect to X1, X2, and Xins
(D) Pearson's correlation heatmap of the X2 MTG population compared with X1, X2, and Xins. See also Figures S2 and S3 and Table S2.
(E) GO terms of statistically significant, >2-fold upregulated transcripts from X2-MTGLow-HFSC cells compared with X2-MTGLow-LFSC cells.
(F) GO terms of upregulated transcripts from the X2-MTGLow-LFSC cells compared with corresponding HFSC cells. See also Table S3.