Fig 11.
Comparison of 2D time-of-flight venograms and 3D contrast-enhanced MPRAGE images for evaluating residual thrombosis in a 5-year-old female patient treated for dural sinus thrombosis 1 month before MR imaging.
A, Maximum intensity projection 2D time-of-flight MR venogram obtained in a slightly oblique coronal plane shows narrowing of the left transverse sinus and patent sigmoid sinus (arrows). The narrowing at the point of the middle arrow could represent stenosis due to thrombus formation or congenital hypoplasia. Again, the thrombosis is inferred by a negative finding (ie, lack of flow-related enhancement) rather than directly visualized.
B, Axial source image from a 3D contrast-enhanced MPRAGE image directly shows thrombus (arrows) in the left transverse sinus. The irregular margin and increased thickness allow this entity to be distinguished from septa within dural sinuses (compare with Fig 9).