(A) Image of a mossy fiber (mf) giant bouton and postsynaptic spines (s). (B, C) Higher magnification of mf synapses. Arrows indicate postsynaptic GluN1, whereas arrowheads indicate presynaptic GluN1. Calibration bars: 500 nm. (D) Mossy fiber (mf) and associational–commissural (ac) synaptic GluN1 immuno-particle radial distribution (30 nm bins), mf: 34 synapses, 100 presynaptic particles; ac: 25 synapses, 24 presynaptic particles; three animals. (E) AMPAR-ESPCs were recorded at Vh = −70 mV in the presence of 0.5 µM LY303070 and 100 µM picrotoxin. Low-frequency facilitation (LFF), induced by stepping stimulation frequency from 0.1 to 1 Hz, was assessed before and after bath application of MK-801 (50 µM). MK-801 significantly reduced LFF (baseline 378 ± 57%, MK-801 270 ± 48%, n = 10 cells, nine animals; baseline vs MK-801, p=3.8×10−5, paired t-test). In all panels of this figure: representative traces (top), representative experiment (middle), and normalized LFF and summary plot (bottom). DCG-IV (1 µM) was applied at the end of all recordings to confirm mf-CA3 transmission. (F) D-APV (100 µM) or R-CPP (50 µM) application also reduced LFF (baseline 546 ± 50%, D-APV/R-CPP 380 ± 38%, n = 7 cells, five animals; baseline vs D-APV/R-CPP, p=0.00743, paired t-test). (G) KAR-EPSCs were recorded at Vh = −70 mV in the presence of 15 µM LY303070 and 100 µM picrotoxin. In addition, NMDAR-mediated transmission was blocked intracellularly by loading MK-801 (2 mM) in the patch-pipette. Bath application of MK-801 (50 µM) significantly reduced LFF (baseline 278 ± 40%, MK-801 195 ± 26% n = 8 cells, six animals; baseline vs MK-801, p=0.00259, paired t-test). Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. **p<0.01; ***p<0.005; ****p<0.001.