Fig. 4. Antifogging ability of nanocones.
a Schematic of the experiment: a sample is placed upside down on a Peltier cooler, which generates dew from atmospheric water. Droplets nucleate, grow and eventually coalesce, which we observe with an inverted optical microscope. We focus in particular on coalescing droplets (dark blue) and their possible takeoff from the material, from which we deduce the jumping rate of merging drops. b Global jumping rate Ng as a function of time t: we consider all observed coalescences and average the proportion Ng that results in droplet jumps after merging, over 1 min. For each series of data (obtained with pillar texture A, conical texture H3/E2 and truncated texture T1 to T4), we indicate with a dotted line the average value of Ng. The pink dots on the bottom show the jumping rate Ng = 0.2% for sample A. c Jumping rate Nn of droplets on truncated cones T1 as a function of the mean radius <r> of merging drops, after distinguishing the coalescences that imply n = 2, 3, 4, or 5 droplets. Nn increases with both n and <r>, explaining why a modest value of Ng can be accompanied by good antifogging abilities. Dotted lines are guides for the eyes. d, e. Jumping rate N2 on sharp cones H/E for symmetric binary coalescences, for which merging radii do not differ by more than 20%. N2 is plotted as a function of the average radius <r> for homothetic nanocones H1–H3 in d and for extruded cones E1–E4 in e. In both cases, the jumping rate plateaus at a constant value of 99 ± 1% above a critical radius rc ≈ 1.5 ± 0.4 µm. Error bars represent the standard deviation of data.