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. 2021 May 26;12:662884. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.662884

Table 1.

Results of fixed effects in the linear mixed model, predicting the P(F&M) order from the relative accessibility of female and male terms, the log-frequency of M&F order, and the cluster strength of related cases as weighted by semantic and morphological similarity.

Estimate SE df t-value Pr(>|t|)
P(F&M) ~ Competition * Accessibility * ClusterStrength + decade + (1+ decade | item)
Fixed effects
(Intercept) 0.010 0.108 41 0.090 0.929
Competition −0.631 0.063 225 10.025 0.001
Accessibility(F-M) 0.191 0.064 306 2.967 0.003
ClusterStrength 0.067 0.033 395 2.052 0.041
Decade 0.178 0.037 65 4.792 0.001
Competition:acc −0.029 0.043 458 −0.684 0.494
Competition: cluster −0.062 0.027 241 −2.325 0.021
acc:cluster 0.058 0.036 248 1.601 0.111
Competition:acc:cluster 0.122 0.034 280 3.643 0.001
Random effects
Variance SD Correlation
Item (Intercept) 0.51863 0.7202
Decade 0.03758 0.1939 0.28
Residual 0.04422 0.2103
Model fit
Marginal Conditional
R2 0.438 0.959

Number of obs: 488, groups: item, 45. Boldface indicates statistical significance.