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. 2021 May 26;9:686958. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.686958

Table 4.

Bivariate analysis of HCWs' characteristics and perceived worry regarding traveling abroad due to the emergence of the mutant COVID-19 strain (N = 1,058).

Characteristic Mean (SD) of those who expressed concern (Q29) Test statistic p-value
Male 2.96 (1.19) t(1,056) = 5.23 <0.001
Female 3.36 (1.15)
20–30 years 3.11 (1.17) f(3,1054) = 3.17 0.024
31–40 years 3.25 (1.14)
41–50 years 3.17 (1.22)
≥ 51 years 3.55 (1.20)
Marital status
Single 3.21 (1.20) t(1,056) = 0.22 0.828
Married 3.23 (1.17)
Expatriate 3.32 (1.14) t(1,056) = 4.01 <0.001
Saudi 3.01 (1.23)
Clinical Role
Consultant 3.01 (1.21) f(4,1053) = 4.64 0.001
Assistant consultant/fellow 3.31 (1.15)
Resident/registrar 2.99 (1.25)
Nurse 3.34 (1.14)
Intern/medical student 3.24 (1.18)
Hospital ward
ICU 3.25 (1.14) f(6,1051) = 0.86 0.522
ER 3.25 (1.20)
OR 3.27 (1.16)
Isolation ward 3.00 (1.24)
General ward 3.14 (1.26)
OPD 3.31 (1.10)
Non-clinical area 3.27 (1.25)
Hospital sector
Private 3.32 (1.16) f(2,1055) = 0.70 0.510
Public/governmental 3.22 (1.20)
University hospital 3.20 (1.16)
Hospital specialty
Primary healthcare center 3.37 (1.20) f(32,1055) = 1.21 0.299
Secondary care hospital 3.16 (1.15)
Tertiary hospital 3.22 (1.18)
Had contact with persons (any) infected with COVID-19
No 3.28 (1.20) t(1,058) = 0.32 0.420
Yes 3.21 (1.17)
Have you been previously diagnosed with PCR-positive COVID?
No 3.20 (1.18) t(1,058) = 1.95 0.051
Yes 3.45 (1.16)
Have you traveled abroad in the last 3 months?
No 3.24 (1.17) t(1,058) = 2.10 0.037
Yes 2.92 (1.31)
Did you receive or register to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes: I have received the first dose of the COVID vaccine 2.85 (1.30) f(2, 2055) = 8.12 <0.001
Yes: I have registered but have not yet received it 3.20 (1.11)
No 3.30 (1.17)
Use of social media for information
No 3.10 (1.20) t(1,056) = 3.36 0.001
Yes 3.31 (1.60)