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. 2021 May 26;12:650425. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.650425


TCM prescription for treating patients with COVID-19.

TCM prescription Composition Model of action
Sang Ju Yin and YuPing FengSan Sang Ju Yin [made with chrysanthemum, mulberry leaf, and 6 other herbs], Yu Ping Feng San [made with Astragali radix, Astragalus membranaceus, Atractylodes macrocephala, and Saposhnikoviae Radix] Improved the symptoms and quality of life
Xiang Sha Liu Junzi Tang and Li Zhong pill Xiang Sha Liu Junzi Tang [made with Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Codonopsis Radix, Astragali Radix praeparata cum melle, Poria Sclerotium, Agastachis Herba, Amomi Fructus], Li Zhong pill [made with Pinelliae Rhizoma Praeparatum, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Codonopsis Radix, Astragali Radix praeparata cum melle, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Poria Sclerotium, Agastachis Herba, Amomi Fructus, Glycyrrhizae Radix, and Rhizoma] In the recovery stage
Angong Niuhuang pill, Zhi Bao Dan, and Su He Xiang pill Angong Niuhuang pill [made with Calculus Bovis, Radix Curcumae, rhinoceros horn, Moschus, Rhizoma Coptidis, Radix Scutellariae, Fructus Gardeniae, Cinnabaris, Margarita, Broneolum Syntheticum, and realgar], Zhi Bao Dan [made with Raw black rhinoceros (buffalo horn), raw tortoiseshell, amber, cinnabar, realgar, Niuhuang, borneol, musk, benzoin, gold foil, silver foil], Su He Xiang [made with Styrax, benzoin, borneol, buffalo horn concentrated powder, musk, sandalwood] In the serious stage
Huashi Xuanfei mixture, Jiedu Xiefei mixture and Jianpi Bufei mixture Huashi Xuanfei mixture [made with Schizonepeta, peucedana, Platycodon grandiflorum, Stemona, asters, tangerine peel, Houttuynia, mint, poppy shell, liquorice], Jiedu Xiefei mixture [made with notopterygium root, radix scrophularia, Scutellaria, bone skin, mulberry skin, rhubarb, Mangxiao, liquorice], Jianpi Bufei mixture [made with Ginseng, astragalus, beiwuwei, aster, mulberry white skin, prepared rehmannia] Have significantly improved respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, fatigue, and digestive tract symptoms
The Lung-toxin Dispelling Formula No. 1 Jingjie, jinyinhua, lianqiao, xuanshen, zaojiaoci, kuxingren, fengfang, gancao, and renshen Has therapeutic value and no observed side effects in with severe/critical COVID-19 patients
Lianhua Qingwen capsule Zhimahuang, xingren, lianqiao, bohe, banlangen, yuxingcao, guanzhong, jinyinhua, shigao, dahuang, guanghuoxiang, hongjingtian, gancao Plays a role in immune regulation, symptom improvement, and anti-inflammatory effects in the treatment of COVID-19
Shufeng Jiedu capsule Huzhang, lianqiao, banlangen, chaihu, maoweicao, mabiancao, lugen, and gancao The therapeutic mechanisms involve a variety of biological processes, such as viral interactions