Fig. 2.
Correlation matrices between interaction frequencies and normalization factors. The color indicates the correlation value (Pearson’s correlation coefficient) where the eccentricity of the ellipse shows absolute magnitude and direction corresponds to positive/negative correlation (tilted right: positive correlation, tilted left: negative correlation). A. Correlation between interaction frequencies and coverages before and after normalization. Before coverage normalization, a weak positive correlation between the interaction frequencies and coverages exists (translucent blue) but dropped to near zero after normalization (translucent yellow). B. Correlation between interaction frequencies and fragment distance before and after normalization. There is a negative correlation between the interaction frequencies and distance (translucent blue) but weakened after normalization (translucent yellow). The reduced correlation for the factor to be normalized illustrates that normalization processes were properly performed. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)