Fig. 7.
Performance evaluation by parameter fitting with subsampled data A. Boxplots showing computation time for coverage-normalization of GM19204 chr17 (left) and GM19240 chr1 (right) Hi-C data at the multiple sampling ratio (n = 10). B. Boxplots showing changes of the fitting parameter (intercept) of GM19204 chr17 (left) and GM19240 chr1 (right) Hi-C data at the multiple sampling ratio (n = 10). C. Hi-C contact map reproducibility boxplot (left), compartment A/B correlation barplot (middle), and replicate-consensus significant interaction Venn diagram (right) generated by the subsampled GM19240 Hi-C (sampling ratio of 30%) data and the original data. The boxplots showed no significant differences (paired t-test, p-value = 0.18, NS). Hypergeometric test on the Venn diagram showed p-value ~0. For the boxplots, the box represents the interquartile range (IQR) and the whiskers correspond to the highest and lowest points within 1.5 × IQR.