Propionate induces intestinal oxidative stress in the context of high-fat diet
(A–C) Intestinal biomarkers for oxidative stress in 1-month-old zebrafish fed the LFD, HFD, or HFSP0.5 for 2 weeks, including (A) mitochondrial ROS, (B) MDA, and (C) PC.
(D) Intestinal total antioxidant capability in 1-month-old zebrafish fed LFD, HFD, or HFSP0.5 for 2 weeks.
(E–G) Intestinal antioxidant enzymes in 1-month-old zebrafish fed the LFD, HFD, or HFSP0.5 for 2 weeks, including (E) Sod2, (F) Gpx, and (G) Cat.
(H) Representative histopathologic images of H&E-stained intestinal sections in zebrafish intraperitoneally injected with 4-hydroxy-TEMPO, a membrane-permeable radical scavenger. The scale bar, 50 μm.
(I) Histological score measuring the severity of the intestinal damage of zebrafish intraperitoneally injected with 4-hydroxy-TEMPO.
Values are means ± SEM (n = 5–12). Means without a common letter are significantly different (p < 0.05). Duncan's test.
See also Figure S3.