Gut microbiota indirectly activate mitochondrial death pathway
(A) The ROS level in GF zebrafish colonized with gut microbiota from 1-month-old zebrafish fed the LFD, HFD, or HFSP0.5 (n = 4–8).
(B–D) (B) Caspase-9, (C) caspase-6, and (D) caspase-3 activities in GF zebrafish colonized with gut microbiota from 1-month-old zebrafish fed the LFD, HFD, or HFSP0.5 (n = 4–6).
(E) Quantification of Sirt3 protein level in GF zebrafish transferred with gut microbiota from 1-month-old zebrafish fed the LFD, HFD, or HFSP0.5 (n = 4). Values are means ± SEM. Means without a common letter are significantly different ( p < 0.05). Duncan's test.