Functional validation of the knock-in clones
(A) Western blot of HA tag, KANSL3 and GAPDH in three Kansl3 degron knock-in clones and wild type ES cells with and without dTAG-13 treatment for 24 h. An unspecific band is indicated with an asterisk.
(B) Western blot of HA-tagged KANSL3 and GAPDH in Kansl3 degron knock-in cell line at different times after dTAG-13 addition (Radzisheuskaya et al., 2021).
(C) Bar plots representing mean ± SD fold cell expansion and percent of Trypan blue positive cells after 4 days of dTAG-13 treatment in Kansl3 degron knock-in cell line (Radzisheuskaya et al., 2021).
(D) Western blot of HA tag and GAPDH in dTAG-TAK1 expressing glioma stem cells treated with 500 nM dTAG13-NEsG, dTAG-13 or dTAGV-1.